Kto z nas nie marzył o beztroskim wydawaniu tysięcy złotych na ubrania? Sam niejednokrotnie zastanawiałem się "co by było gdyby..."
Jak wiadomo, marzenia się spełniają, ale trzeba im trochę pomóc. Jeżeli marzycie o rewolucji w szafie, ogromnych zakupach i jesteście gotowi wykazać się kreatywnością, koniecznie musicie spróbować swoich sił w konkursie Siemens Fresh Look. 



Some time ago, I have had an opportunity to prepare an outfits for an amazing photo session with one of the TOP male faces in Polish modeling - Michał Sadowski (agency 'United for models'). The conducting theme was futurism, so the style in which I personally find myself perfectly. Photos were taken by Jacek Rękas - photographer, with an awesome sense of creativity. The session had appeared in the Catwalk Magazine, where you could have seen an interview with me (HERE). I like styling for photo shoots, and I loved it so much during my internship at the Elle magazine. I would like to be able to continue to grow in this regard, in particular, it gives me a great satisfaction and fulfillment. Is there anything more what one can reach while working?

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