I'm inspiration!?

When I have a bad day I'm always suprised by the great news! And then I'm never sad. The famous blogger from Wrocław running videoblog RADZKA, once a month says about people who inspired her. And today she picked me! I'm delighted, I'm moved with so many complements. I'm happy there are so many nice people on earth who love fashion as I do! Thanks Radzka and thanks to You, who read my blog.Thank you so much for your support!
Please see the video below. 7:20 -You can hear about me! ^^

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Zawsze w gorsze dni zaskakują mnie cudowne informacje! :) I nigdy ani przez chwilę nie mogę być smutny, haha :)  Znana blogerka z Wrocławia, która prowadzi interesującego video bloga RADZKA . Nagrywa swoje filmiki ze stylizacjami, wspomina o relacjach z różnych eventów, a raz w miesiącu wspomina o rzeczach i osobach, które najbardziej Ją zainspirowały. Dzisiaj padło m.in. na mnie... Jest mi niezmiernie miło, jestem wręcz wzruszony taką dawką pozytywnych słów. Cieszę się, że są na Ziemi osoby, które podobnie jak ja, kochają bawić się modą i którym podoba się mój styl. Jeszcze raz dziękuję Radzka i dziękuję także Wam, którzy teraz czytacie tego posta i tworzycie razem ze mną tego bloga! <3
Zapraszam do obejrzenia filmiku, a o mnie możecie już usłyszeć od minuty 7:20 ^^


Conference "Media Fashion Image"

Some time ago I went to Wroclaw for the conference "Media Fashion Image" organized by the Dolnoslaska Szkola Wyzsza. Despite a long journey with the Polish railways, I arrived in safely to the destination. I must admit that what I learned at the conference was worth spending hours during the journey. Lectures were led by Peter Zachar, Dorota Wroblewska, and other persons who are the heroes of their success, aroused in me very positive impression. Dorota Wroblewska, blogger and producer made a great impression on me. She said what I wanted to hear and makes me very motivated to continue working. In her lecture, I liked she presented the same point of view regarding the road to success. It is true that everyone is able to achieve their goals, dreams, taking into account the proportional aspirations. We know that it is means painstanking and systematic work, but you know ... Rome wasn’t built in a day. First of all what counts is your ambition, self-esteem. Dorota not only leads her blog, but also is doing a million other things, which gives her satisfaction. It really is a great example of someone who achieves success with hard work.


Demon of colors

Dear! Here I am with some fresh stylizations. The new feature on my blog will be videos from backstage (I hope that it wouldn't offend anyone ^^), and other surprises, which you'll see soon at the Fashionable Innovations.

Color! Nobody is surprised that often you can meet me in colors on the street. And most of my readers associate Fashionable Innovations with very saturated colors. Today's styling is a blend of colors, patterns but also a lack of a particular style.  Of course it is a classic, but without the accessories would be worth nothing! Thus, white bow tie, my new love and a hat with peacock feathers, which doesn’t allow it to die in the crowd! Each element of the styling is in a different color and this sets give me most positive energy :) I’m also proud of my handsome ‘Dutchman’ bike on which I can always rely on in the city and it saves me hours of getting stuck in long traffic. This is my Marc on two wheels, which couldn’t be missed the pictures!
At the end necessarily have a look at my video of the backstage, showing my true nature! And besides ... thank you that you’re with me and that you are participating actively in the life of this blog and Fan Page on Facebook :*


Fashion Week Poland 2012// 4 DAY

The last day of my fashion adventures on the Fashion Week Poland passed very quickly, but that day was the most peaceful and less stressful than previous days :) Though not entirely because I forgot to turn off the iron in the hotel, but fortunately I realized quickly about this and I was running back with the hope that my wardrobe survived, phew!!!!  That day was less people than previous days, but still there was friendly and pleasant atmosphere... And now about my Sunday’s stylization. It was the skirt of my project. I believe that fashion should be fun and should break all boundaries. This stylization would be controversial on the Polish streets of course but events such as Fashion Week allow you this kind of extravagnce ^^ I don’t take literally the fashion, it’s a great fun for me. And I have the distance to myself and the common sense. And now after showing my styliztion it’s time for the account of the last spring edition of Fashion Week Poland :)


Lula & Adam

Zawsze, kiedy wstaję rano przeglądam miliony portali, zarówno polskich i zagranicznych! I kiedy dzisiaj powtórzyłem swój rutynowy obowiązek miło zaskoczyłem się. Lula i Gazeta.tv chyba darzą mnie chociaż troszkę jakąś sympatią, za co bardzo jestem wdzięczny :) Ten krótki wywiad został nagrany w 2 dniu na Fashion Week Poland, kiedy wyglądałem jak Batman dzięki koszuli mojego projektu ^^ Jeśli chcecie zobaczyć dokładnie całą stylizację zapraszam TUTAJ. Życzę Wam udanej niedzieli i dziękuję, że jesteście i odwiedzacie mojego bloga. Ostatnio dostałem od Was tyle komplementów, tyle wiadomości, że naprawdę jestem z tego szczęśliwy i wiem, że założenie Fashionable Innovations było strzałem w dziesiątkę! <3

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When I get up in the morning I visit millions of websites, both Polish and foreign! When today I repeated my daily routine I was positively surprised. Lula and Gazeta.tv seem to like me a bit, maybe... for which I am very grateful :) This short interview was recorded on day 2 of Fashion Week Poland, when I looked like Batman with a shirt of my project ^ ^ If you want to see this stylization you must click HERE. I wish you a successful Sunday and thank you for visiting my blog. Recently I got so many compliments from you, so much news that I'm really happy with this and I know that founding Fashionable Innovations was a great move! <3


Fashion Week Poland 2012// 3 DAY

Compared to all shows I saw, all people I met and atmosphere of the day which I expierienced, Saturday's day of Fashion Week was the most perfect among all days! That day I was feeling the fashion and 'fashion butterflies' in my stomach. Moreover, I met Radzka, she is blogger from Wroclaw, who ‘infects’ all people around her with her fashion freakness. But at the beginning of the day I most enjoyed the fact that I could wear a jacket, which I remade myself. It appealed to many people, including some photographers. In fact, sewing epaulett is very hard work and definitely it requires a great deal of patience ^ ^ I’ll talk about my Saturday’s outfit later but now, I invite You to see and read  review of fashion shows which I could see that day.


Fashion Week Poland 2012// 2 DAY

The second day of Fashion Week Poland was very intense, but enjoyable. Finally, I could see the fashion shows and I could enjoy the Polish fashion. I was watching six shows sitting with great people, Blogers and other artists. Of course, I could not resit peeping at the showrooms, but I was very reluctunt to buy anything... because I hate shoping in such in such a crowd, it was almost like in the Turkish bazaar ;)
The first show, which I saw was delivered by Monica Blazusiak. I think it was the best show of the that day and not because I was sitting in the front row!

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